Work week #22

Kid with heart defect, masked to avoid detection while answering phones at a telethon.
All photos copyright the Peoria Journal Star

I’ve decided to start showcasing the best of what I shoot each week at work… some weeks may be a little light, and others might have you screaming “enough!” It’s the way my job works, but I figured I should start sharing regardless.

Peorians protest District 150 decision to shorten the school day by 45-minutes to save money.

What golf tournament would be complete without a shot of someone hitting out of a bunker? I’ve shot three tournaments this past week… and that may be my limit.

Belly dancer, sword on head. Enough said.

State baseball action in Joliet… three cheers for the end of high school sports!

5 responses to “Work week #22”

  1. Jerod Avatar

    That masked kid picture is fucking creepy.

  2. Jerod Avatar

    I commented before I saw the boob lady pirate…carry on.

  3. Christy Avatar

    Why is the boob lady pirate shushing?

  4. Christy Avatar

    Check this out! It reminded me of what you did.

  5. Adam Avatar

    I’ve updated with a little more explanation… although some just don’t need much more.

    And Christy… exactly! Good examples of “sleeveface.”

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