Punch You in the What?

Births are joyous occasions and this is no exception. I’m proud to announce a joint effort between Micah Mertes and I, punchyouintheheart.com.

You might be a little curious about the name. “Why the long title? And why punch a heart, afterall?” We have Rolling Stone’s Peter Travers to blame. His asinine, stereotyping movie reviews for the magazine have long been a source of admiration/hatred/consternation. So while racking our brains for a proper name for this new baby, one of us remembered a long-ago review of the boxing movie “Cinderella Man.” While the actual blurb was “it hits you right in the heart,” the incorrect quote had already stuck and here we are.

Unlike this poor site, it should always be well-stocked and fresh. We’re planning on having several contributing writers, movie lovers like us who can help fill in the gaps. If you might be interested, a work sample.

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