
Three hours of non-stop office work, followed by a sudden lull here in the photo department; I walk out to the newsroom to stretch my legs and see a copy editor face-down at her keyboard asleep.

Tomatoes are back in sandwiches, I saw my first firefly of the season when I arrived home from work late last night, and the weather really couldn’t get any better. Summer!

Work week #23

Commercial fireworks storage… reminded me of the scene ending the first Indiana Jones movie. Is that the ark near the back?
All photos copyright the Peoria Journal Star

This week ended up a little more average than usual, and also the busiest. I probably have better personal work, but I’ll dig that up later. Notice how most of the photos are shot with a longer focal length? Hmm.

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Born into this

photo by Laura Scrafford

oh yes

there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it’s too late
and there’s nothing worse
too late.

— Charles Bukowski

I’m watching: “Wonderfalls”

On recommendation from my friend Micah, I Netflix’d the cancelled Fox series “Wonderfalls” and then immediately almost killed myself as I watched five, 45-minute episodes in a row. Everything started off just fine, although I sensed my annoyance grow each time Jaye Tyler, the lead character, spoke in that “Gilmore Girls” meets “Juno” sort of way. Is this really, absolutely how all 14-24 year-old girls speak now? I happen to know a few in that category, and feel blessed that they sound nothing like these snarky, spoiled ladies (and I use that term loosely.)

The premise of the series places a slacker girl named Jane smack in the middle of touristy Niagara Falls, where she barely withholds her disdain for fellow mankind. Of course, there’s a twist, just like any new television series, and this one throws talking chotchkies, stuffed animals and brass monkeys at her. They whine and demand that she respond to relatively benign statements, like “bring her to him.” The entire show basically revolves around these riddles, with their murky pronouns, and the rest of each episode is spent trying to follow these commands until they result in all loose ends neatly tied, with a bow on top. Imagine pouring honey and sugar all over the Joan of Arc story line, and NOT killing the main character, and you have “Wonderfalls.”

I was left with a migraine that made me feel like vomiting, but I’ll give one more disc a chance. I may have overextended myself.

Wonderfalls music video, with theme song by XTC’s Andy Partridge. This won’t help.

Addendum: I’ve confirmed that Micah never even finished the season.


Some days just never seem to work out… several assignments fell through simultaneously, leaving me with little to do at work. I picked up a video camera and accompanied Matt to an American Idol-style contest at a local steakhouse. Enjoy (maybe.)

Ode to tomato

I would never have called myself a tomato lover, but this week’s salmonella outbreak has me longing for the red fruit (vegetable? fruit? yum?) Forget Adam and his apple, could it be that the serpent tempted man with a Solanum lycopersicum? Even the plant family it derives from, the nightshade family, warns of danger. Some thought of it as poisonous, but most just thought it inedible or ornamental. Let us praise brave, educated men like Thomas Jefferson for having the gumption to declare the red orb delicious.

I miss them. I miss them on my roast beef sandwich, on my pizza and I miss seeing their happy faces in the produce section. Come back, tomato.

Work week #22

Kid with heart defect, masked to avoid detection while answering phones at a telethon.
All photos copyright the Peoria Journal Star

I’ve decided to start showcasing the best of what I shoot each week at work… some weeks may be a little light, and others might have you screaming “enough!” It’s the way my job works, but I figured I should start sharing regardless.

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Dispatches from Kansas

At work. Tired, so I took some caffeine pills from the medicine cabinet. Started getting drowsy. Looked at the package and saw they were for menstrual cramps 🙁

Thursday Lunch, a text from my college friend Greg.


MooooovingWell, the terrifying process of boxing up my life has commenced. About a third was moved yesterday, with assistance from my co-worker Dave, and I’m about to begin again with Matt this morning. I eschewed renting a moving truck this time, although this means a lot of trips back and forth.

Although I seem to have too many things to move as quickly as I’d like, I also have too few things to properly fill a two-bedroom apartment. These things will be worked out, possibly through a binge trip to Target.

Moving the bed always seems to be the catalyst to actually living in the new space… until then, you’re just pretending. And speaking of hauling that bed…

Memorial Day

Somehow, the Huck-Finnishness has gone out of summer, and there’s no getting it back except, perhaps, to find your inner Huck Finn. There may be no slipping away down the Mississippi into another life. But today would be a good day, once the dew is off the grass, to wander out into the open and lie on your back and watch the clouds float by overhead without even trying to decide what they resemble.

-from NYT editorial A Pause Before Summer