Beware the Ides of March

The agony of a buzzer shot, Friday night’s IHSA state basketball tournament. (Adam / Journal Star)

At 10:50pm on a Saturday evening, I can say that the two weeks of hell known as the Illinois high school state basketball tournament has lifted and the future looks a little brighter. We’ve battled access restrictions that puts freedom of the press at an increasing risk. Kudos were given to our great photo department. And we were loaned the holy grail of all cameras, the Nikon D3, only to have it soon lifted from our clammy, shaking palms. It was nice while it lasted.

In the meantime, spring is stumbling. Temperatures soared into digits long forgotten six months ago, only to plummet with windy, wet snow today. “In like a lion, out like a lamb?”

Let us remember one more thing:
Seer warns Caesar to be on guard against a great peril on the Ides of March (15th.) Later that month..
CAESAR: “The Ides of March has come.”
SEER: “Aye, Caesar, but not gone.”

3 thoughts on “Beware the Ides of March

  1. Adam, What type of camera do you normally use for the paper? How does the whole lens and camera body deal work with the newspaper. Do they have there own equipment or do you need to have your own, and what is your favorite camera you have used?

  2. Larry-
    I usually use a Nikon D2x and D2h provided by the paper… also included are a variety of lenses I keep personally, plus a cabinet full of longer pool glass and things like remotes and major lighting kits. As for my favorite camera used, it would hands down be the Nikon D3… Nikon generously loaned us half a dozen to use for the past two weeks. I’m sad to see it go.

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