Clear seeing

Seriously, that was a close one. A close one for style. A close one for ever hoping to score another date again.

Following an eye exam today, I broke down and went shopping for new specs. Determined NOT to do this again, I brought my bags of money into the shop and forced myself to stay until they accepted them. I made a big mistake last time by not ordering the anti-reflective coating; but come on, doesn’t that shit sound like snake oil to you? (It’s not. At all.)

But just as I was about to get the hell out of the place with my dignity intact, I pulled a boner. “How about those Transition lenses?” I heard myself squeak out. Seventy bucks later (what a deal!) I was on my way back home.

Let’s review. You’ve seen the commercials; upper-middle class men and women smiling as their eyes are suddenly obscured by darkening glass. It’s mysterious, it’s sexy and I thought “it’s for me.” But then the doubts set in.  I’m 26. Not 60. And I’m also a photographer, someone who might have a problem if their lenses stayed dark when ducking out of the blazing sun and into a shadowy building. Enough! I called and pleaded to change my order.

5 thoughts on “Clear seeing

  1. The fact that you’ll never score a date again has more to do with your crappy personality than your glasses. Maybe you should buy one of those personalities that changes when confronted by people.

    What? What?

  2. nice work. I don’t rightly remember if I went for anti-glare…

    I sure as hell went for scratch resistant.

    I ended up caving and getting half-frames as well. Altho mine are pretty much straight wire frames. Not nearly as fetching as other styles… but they’re just so freaking comfortable…

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