Wichita to a T

So the surprise visit went without a hitch, although surprises for the Geriks mean less “ohmygodwhyareyouhere” and more “Adam? I don’t understand…” A slowly-building chain reaction instead of a violent supernova.

I was a homebody most of the break, being the good son that I am: grocery store trips with my mom, picking up new suits with my dad, and watching the Oscars with my sister. We had a friendly competition on that, which I’ll address in a later urgent post.

The actual birthday party for my mom was a day early… a surprise party, but just barely. See, my mom is a twin, which ups the investigative prowess at least double (and probably triple, really) and leaves the rest of us making up lame excuses for gathering the whole extended family in one spot.

I never did settle on a great gift for my mom, but I hope the thought wasn’t lost on her. My dad and I spent nearly an entire afternoon hunting down birthday cards; my dad partial to the musical ones, and I leaned toward the nonsensical items (my card actually said “chicken butt” in it. As in, “what’s up? chicken butt.”) I think we went to three stores total, and felt pretty damn exhausted afterward.

I made time to see my good friends Steve and Camille quickly for lunch on my last day in the city. It was a BBQ joint in Old Town, a place I’ve been to at some point in my life. There’s comfort in knowing that no matter how long it’s been since we’ve last seen each other, there’s never any awkwardness. That’s friendship.

Before I left on the train again, I looked through box after box of old artifacts of my youth stored away in the closet and attic. I found a pile of letters, mostly written on hotel stationary, all addressed to me. My dad must have written me each and every business trip when I was little, usually to remind me that he missed me and that I should behave and help my mom out at home. Sometimes a random fact was thrown in about the particular locale he was visiting that trip, but the vast majority were from Reno, Nev. I dutifully date stamped each one when I received it and kept them all together. I’m glad I did.


As if my train ride to Kansas could be topped, I hopped back on the Southwest Chief at 3am and awoke several hours later in Kansas City to the sound of rugged German all around me. I was surrounded by the Amish, a dozen strong.

Note: most of these images were taken with a cell phone. Just so you know.

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